Why do we need a Water Management System
Diamond drilling at times involves several time-consuming, repetitive steps, of which Actual drilling may only be a short and easy one. The real hard work entails, keeping the jobsite clean and maintaining a constant pressurized water supply that is elementary while efficiently managing your time and productivity. Also, disposing-off the slurry is an extremely tedious process. It’s estimated that professionals spend almost an hour on an everyday basis trying to supply water and cleaning slurry during diamond coring. Hilti introduces, the DD-WMS 100 Water Management System that makes these dreary tasks a thing of the past.
Customer Tests have proven that just with the use of a DD-WMS 100 Water Management System, you can get time savings of about 40%, which translates to Higher Productivity and lesser Costs.
Read on if you want to understand how Hilti Water Management System works.
Features of Hilti Water Management System
Here's how Hilti Water management system improves jobsite efficiency
One Full-Day Water Autonomy
This machine offers the best solution offering one full day of water autonomy with its large wheels and ergonomic design make it very to convenient handle, transport and move around the jobsite. Water is recycled up to 7 times inside the tank, which is equivalent to about 100 liters of continuous water supply.
Clean Drilling
Diamond coring leaves behind a slew of concrete slurry. This leads to additional labor time spent on cleaning of the residual slurry decreasing jobsite productivity. Hilti has a range of products and accessories that collect the additional water and residue making the diamond coring application a non-messy application.
Easy Slurry Disposal
Once the filter is full, it’s effortless to get rid of the slurry with the disposable filter bags. The DD-WMS 100 is compatible with all of our other Diamond drilling tools, so it’s one device for all applications. While carrying out the coring application, this machine allows for the slurry to be captured in the filter bag which can easily be disposed-off once it is full.
Filtration Process
The patented multi-layer filter bags of the DD-WMS 100 are specially designed for construction slurry. During the filtration process, slurry collection reaches maximum capacity thanks to the effective use of the filter’s surface.
The modes of Hilti Water Management System
Our Hilti DD-WMS 100 water management system has three working modes: recycling mode, vacuum cleaning, and water supply mode.
Recycle Mode
The unique multi-layer filter bags of the DD-WMS are specially designed for collecting slurry, which allows cleaner water to pass through the system. This implies that you can now re-use the water for your diamond drilling applications for up to 7 times, giving you a constant pressurized water supply to achieve the desired results. Also, the slurry is consequently captured at the point of drilling, leaving no mess behind for the operators to clean-up improving the productivity.
Vacuum Cleaning Mode
Even if there is some residual water or slurry left behind, all need to do is, switch the DD-WMS to vacuum mode whose powerful suction quickly take cares of the final cleaning leaving the jobsite mess-free and clean.
Water Supply Mode
You can use the machine’s water supply mode to extract a supply of pressurized water from the water tank for your diamond drilling applications. This feature is especially helpful in remote site locations where it is difficult to access a main pressurized water supply.
The DD-WMS 100 is compatible with all Hilti diamond drilling rigs including the which includes DD 120, DD 160, DD 200/200 ST and DD 350. You can combine the WMS with a diamond coring tools to see increased productivity and a cleaner jobsite.