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E-Book - Fastening Systems in Concrete Construction

This book is a useful design guidebook for the practicing engineers who have to design different types of fasteners in their projects as well as for academician and students who are interested in this topic. In absence of national standards, it becomes difficult for the engineers to design the fastening systems which are also an integral aspect of the structure.
Fortunately, there are several international standards as well as specialist literature on the subject. This book talks about innovative fastening technologies like cast-in anchor channels, post-installed anchors, post-installed rebar and direct fastening systems.
This book introduces basic concepts related to fastening technology, explains the design method recommended in Eurocodes as well as gives an overview of assessment criteria as per various guidelines developed by “European Organization for Technical Assessment (EOTA)”. Several design examples are also covered in detail.
Lastly, this book also discusses some case studies to showcase practical applications of these innovative technologies.
Er. KamalikaKundu is a technical expert on post-installed fastenings. She is currently working as Regional Codes and Approval Manager at Hilti Asia Pacific Pvt. Ltd. in Singapore. Prior to this, she has worked in U.S.A. and in India.
She is a Civil Engineer with a Bachelors' degree from M.N.I.T., Jaipur, India and Masters (specialization in seismic) from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA.
Er. Prashant Sathe post-graduated from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee and earned B.Tech. degree in Civil Engineering from College of Engineering, Pune.
He has been functioning in the field of structural civil and earthquake engineering with enthusiasm. He has an interest in developing standard codes and is an active member of several technical committees of Bureau of Indian Standards.